food cinemascope
Μαρτίου 15, 2010
Modern food-ware markets are characterized by the tendency to support nutrition customs against natural or economical restrictions. While the quality of nutrition affects the health and wellbeing of the population, food pricing leverages the development of the economy and the societal equality. Certain issues arise from the gasp between market demand and quality requirements in production against supply planning and consume-ability. In order to leverage these issues, a monitoring system that would be capable to balance principles should be established. Such a system could utilize product specific administrative and informational data while it would allow for real time planning and control. Critical factor to that is the capability to decentralize information to products through embedded intelligent devices. Instantly available, product specific historical and status information would then allow for conformance with requirements and standards control, establishing ground for common welfare and trust. |
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Περισσότερα με σχεδιαγράμματα και πίνακες καθώς και αάνλυση πολιτικής/οικονμομικής σκοπιμότητας μόνο με παρουσίαση (δια ζώσης). Ευχαριστώ.
The idea
Modern food-ware markets are characterized by the tendency to support nutrition customs against natural or economical restrictions. While the quality of nutrition affects the health and wellbeing of the population, food pricing leverages the development of the economy and the societal equality. Certain issues arise from the gasp between market demand and quality requirements in production against supply planning and consume-ability. In order to leverage these issues, a monitoring system that would be capable to balance principles should be established. Such a system could utilize product specific administrative and informational data while it would allow for real time planning and control. Critical factor to that is the capability to decentralize information to products through embedded intelligent devices. Instantly available, product specific historical and status information would then allow for conformance with requirements and standards control, establishing ground for common welfare and trust.
Semantic role to this direction plays the Information Age maturity, flavored with diverse technological yield. As such a crop, digital economy levels the necessity for technological background at the forefront. The advent of modern devices and the flourishing market of digital services have elaborated a favorable public attitude for “tech-sumables”. By bridging the concept of consumable products between digital and non-digital an enhanced idea of the product is assumed. Such a product is characterized by embedded intelligence allowing for the manipulation (inventorying, storing, controlling) in an automated way. Integrating the intelligence of products with an aware environment it is evitable to accomplish a “care-for” mechanism. Namely, the ability of the environment to communicate, identify and familiarize the overall characteristics of its contents while also to transact with user entities in order to apply usage policies.
Fixed and wireless devices support user communication with the environment. The interaction could arise from instant demand or could apply a long term strategy. Interfacing to environment and contents is based on simple mechanisms, leveraging variety and flexibility to integrity and operational friendliness. The found establishment of the interface sustainability in users’ conscious shall thrush his ability to utilize, and in return to prosper from the offered services. At the other hand, production cycle shall automate procedures and controls that are market critical and consumers favorable. Trusted third parties play also a critical role in the procedure as they could verify conformance of product specific characteristics with public policy principles.
Combined usage of electronic and electrical systems allows for better utilization of resources, not only the conventional (energy, efficiency) but policy specific as well (space, time, cost, availability). Smart devices are playing critical role towards user support, production cost reduction, public protection and finally societal prosperity:
An innovative taste-paste-tale
Scenario decomposition
Several episodes of technology specific epochs are aligned into a production that presents the introduction to the “era of digi-food-scope”. Each episode compromise a stand alone tale of technological evolution towards a common scene of application. Regarding the life cycle of nutrients,
Role playing
This technology allows for the decomposition of the informational background towards a decentralized model, where formerly passive products could negotiate own requirements
• Smart fridge
o The specification and prototyping of a nutrition maintenance device that is aware of its contents, their requirements and their status and able to apply operational customizations as well as consumption’s suggestion reporting.
• Intelligent packaging
o The specification and prototyping of a nutrition maintenance environment that is capable to deliver historical and status information along with the product.
• Production line automation
o The specification and prototyping of a nutrition processing and delivery line that is capable to utilize the data-dressing of products in order to enhance output quality and outcomes.
• Nutrition awareness
o The specification and prototyping of an informational reporting scheme that is targeting to the mobilize public interest regarding qualitative nutritious habits.
• Surveillance nesting
o The specification and prototyping of a nutrition surveillance mechanism that is able to monitor products from production to processing, to the points of sale, to the customer basket and to the recycling premise.
• (p)E-Now economy
o The specification and prototyping of a nutrition evaluation methodology that is forming effectiveness and pricing rules according to a global/local demanding and availability awareness base, incorporating complex criteria like user requirements and quality assurances.
The product
In order to establish such a system, several technological and market break-through should be achieved.
• Business process procedures of food market should be enhanced in order to support real time information dissemination and reporting at all levels, from product maturation to processing, manufacturing, market supply and consumption.
• Information technology systems should be utilized in order to support data handling and elaboration.
• Modern technological advantages enable portable, intelligent devices to be attached at the product of interest while personalized communicational devices elevate public awareness regarding information retrieval and handling.
• Information dissemination infrastructures should be aware of a dynamic reality where prices, supply and demand are fluent and retrospective in order to support quality assurance measures.
• Reports and early warnings would be produced in order to prepare the public trust towards a trend or a situation. Particular effect have the localized informational services where specific user models dominate.
• Production line should be enhanced in order to utilize the environment-aware capability of the products, from their input to their output from the business system. In such a way, supply and provision of products could be automated through dialogical contractual transactions among suppliers and consumers.
Envisaged technological breakthroughs:
• Object (product category) classification and inheritance
• Multi-vectoral description modeling
• Smart labeling and information embedding
• Contactless data transactions
• Production line intelligence reformation
• Supply awareness automation
• Surveillance centers nesting
• Public reporting methods and schemes